chip rogers in Chinese
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- rogers
- n. 罗杰斯〔姓氏,男子名〕。
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- will rogers
- 大师惠尔罗吉斯; 威尔・罗杰斯
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- chip
- n. 1.碎片,削片,薄片;碎屑;薄木片;无价值的东西。 2.(陶器等的)缺损(处)。 3.(赌博用)筹码;〔pl.〕〔英俚〕钱。 4.〔pl.〕〔口语〕炸马铃薯片。 5.(作燃料的)干牛[马]粪。 6.集成电路唱片[块]。 7.〔口语〕小粒金刚石[水晶]。 短语和例子 a chip of [off] the old block (脾气等)完全像父亲的儿子;一家的...
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- chip in
- 插嘴, 捐助, 下赌注; 近击入穴; 近穴击入; 捐献钱财; 下注
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- on chip
- 片上; 片装
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- on-chip
- 片上;芯片上
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- amerie rogers
- 艾米丽・罗杰丝
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What is the meaning of chip rogers in Chinese and how to say chip rogers in Chinese? chip rogers Chinese meaning, chip rogers的中文,chip rogers的中文,chip rogers的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by